Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Episode 13 - No Return
The last episode of Elfen Lied.

Episode 12 - Quagmire
Mariko is torturing and playing with Nana like an insect while Kouta runs to her to protect her. Mariko temporally looses her vectors, thanks to Nana, and has to be sent back. Nyuu follows Kouta, but when the soldiers start to shoot at her she turns into Lucy. Seeing the bloodthirsty Lucy, Kouta recalls everything…

Episode 11 - Complications
Number 35, Mariko, is released and immediately kills the soldiers around her. The professors, who were prepared for this, set off one of the explosives inside her, destroying her arm. Later, they fly her to where Nyuu and Nana are.

Meanwhile, Nana is enjoying living in the inn but Kouta tells her she needs to work as well. Things seem to be going as peaceful as it can get… but how long with the peace last?

Special Episode - In the Passing Rain
Trying to fit in, Nana gets scolded and runs off. She meets Bando and promises to bring him Nyuu. But when it begins to rain and Nyu hits her head, will Nana survive? Parts of Lucy’s past are revealed, including her connection with Kurama.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Episode 10 - Infant
Lucy and Nana start to fight, but Mayu stops them and Lucy turns back to Nyuu, hugging Kouta and telling him she likes him. Later, Kurama’s past is revealed and so is more about the dicloniuses.

Episode 9 - Reminiscence
More of Lucy’s past is revealed: Her meeting with Kouta, their friendship that will end in tragedy, and the reason why Lucy became the killer she is today!

Episode 8 - Begginning
After Lucy is knocked out by Nana Kouta tends to her. She sleeps and relives her childhood in a dream, revealing many things about her. Meanwhile, Nana tells Mayu about Lucy and the diclonius and Arakawa is called in to work for Director Kakuzawa…

Episode 7 - Confrontation
After fighting, Bando and Nana realize that they are allies and not enemies. Nana agrees to bring Lucy to the beach when she senses her. With two people after her, will Lucy stand a chance? Meanwhile, at the temple, Mayu meets Nana. The two become friends and Mayu agrees to bring Nana back to her house for food. But, what will happen when Nana and Nyuu meet?

Episode 6 - Inner Feelings
With new, stronger hands, Bando searches for Lucy hoping to gain revenge. But, Lucy is still missing, because after killing Professor Kakuzawa, she runs away again. Kouta and Yuka set out to look for her, but cannot find her. Will they find Nyuu? Or, will they find Lucy? If they do find the latter, will they be safe?

Episode 5 - Reception
Mayu’s tragic past is revealed. She remembers back to when she ran away from home. At school, Yuka and Kouta’s new professor is none other than Yu Kakuzawa, Chief Kakuzawa’s son. He instantly notices Nyuu as Lucy and tricks Kouta into handing her over to him. Will Nyuu be safe in the hands of Yu? Or rather, will Yu be safe when Lucy awakens?!

Episode 4 - Meeting
After alerting the soldiers and Kurama to Lucy’s whereabouts, Nana confronts her and the two begin to fight in a cemetery. Can Nana hold Lucy off long enough for Kurama and the others to arrive? Meanwhile, hearing loud noises in the cemetery, Mayu stumbles upon the two fighting. What will happen to Mayu when she is caught in the crossfire? And what can possible make Kurama cry?

Episode 3 - At Heart
It’s the calm after the storm… but the calm won’t last long. Kurama and the secret facility are sending two people after Lucy. One is the newly healed and stronger Bando. The other is a diclonius just like Lucy. At Kouta’s house, Yuka and a homeless girl named Mayu talk about the events that happened two nights ago at the beach. All of a sudden, Nyuu slips and falls. She bangs her head and Lucy awakens inside of her. Will Kouta and the others be safe with the murderous Lucy in their house? And will Lucy stand a chance against a fellow diclonius?

Episode 2 - Cleaning Up
After breaking Kouta’s seashell, Nyuu runs way. Kouta finds her later at the beach, but he isn’t the only one. Bando and Satou, two members of the SAT who are after Lucy, are there as well. With Lucy acting more like an animal than a murder, does she stand a chance against the cold-hearted Bando?

Episode 1 - Chance Meeting
An unknown girl with “invisible hands’, or vectors, and telepathic powers escapes from a secret facility. The next day two cousins, Kouta and Yuka, find her. But she is different from before. She can only say one word, “nyuu”. Not knowing anything about her, the two cousins take her in. But is it safe? Kurama, the head scientist from the facility where she escaped, has sent a merciless man, Bando, after her. With Bando tracking Nyuu, and Nyuu herself, will Kouta and Yuka be safe?